Contribute Expertise to the eHealth assessment Toolbox
Who can contribute
We are recruiting a sample of industry experts with in-depth knowledge of the topic being studied. Previous experience in patient-facing eHealth tools is a prerequisite for participation.
- Clinicians with in-depth eHealth expertise
- Patients and patient advocates with in-depth eHealth expertise
- Researchers with in-depth eHealth expertise
- Pharma executives with in-depth eHealth expertise
- Insurance and reimbursement experts with in-depth eHealth expertise
- Compliance experts with in-depth eHealth expertise
- Investors and funding experts with in-depth eHealth expertise
- Med tech providers focusing on patient-facing tools
For more information, please contact the project leader Dr. Christine Jacob
Time Commitment
Experts will be invited to participate in a two-round modified Delphi process with between rounds interviews:
- The first round consists of an online survey to vote on each criterion resulting from the systematic literature review in order to achieve an initial consensus on which set of criteria should be captured in the interactive dashboard and toolbox. This survey will be sent by email and requires 25-30 minutes to complete.
- Between rounds participants will be invited to a remote interview. The in-depth semi-structured interview should last about 40-60 minutes where the researcher will discuss the results of the first round, and ask the experts questions about their views and experiences with eHealth assessment. The researcher is interested in the personal views of the participants as users / experts / developers and not the organizations they are working for.
- In the second round, participants will be asked to re-rate the assessment criteria with changes or additions based on the first survey results and the discussions in the interviews. This survey will be sent by email and requires 15-20 minutes to complete.
How to contribute
Experts who identify as key opinion leaders in this topic and/or have in-depth expertise in eHealth tools’ assessment are invited to express their willingness to contribute to this work by contacting the project lead directly.
Deadline for expressing willingness to participate is the end of March 2023 (to enable the research team to complete the project as per the plan).
Ethical considerations
The Ethics Committee of Northwest and Central Switzerland (EKNZ) determined that ethical approval was not needed for this study according to the Federal Act on Research involving Human Beings, article 2 paragraph 1 (reference number Req-2022-01499).
Only the research team from the research partner (FHNW) will have access to participants’ data (this does not include the practice partners). No personal or identifiable data be included in the dissemination of the results, as they will be anonymised.
Information that is collected from the participating experts will be securely held. Personal identifiable information (e.g., consent forms) will be kept separately from the data. Participants will be assigned a study code number and identifying information stored separately from the data
Expert Recognition
After the scientific peer-reviewed publication of the results, the research team will publish a white paper in lay language summarizing the research results and how to use the practical toolbox.
Expert participants will be asked whether they wish to be named in the whitepaper as contributors to this work. If that’s the case, participants will have to explicitly send a written anonymity waiver to the research team so they can be publicly named and recognized for their contribution.
Participants who wish to stay anonymous will not be named.